Saturday, January 5, 2013

The 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty

I loveddd watching this tag video on a few my favorite makeup You-Tuber's...soooo I thought I would dedicate my next blog post to the 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty =)

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
    My most INEXPENSIVE beauty item would have to be Bonne Bell Lip Lites Lip Gloss in Cappuccino. This is a classic favorite of mine. I'm pretty much obsessed with coffee and all things related so this is just amazing. The color is a nice neutral, scent is amazing & the staying power isn't bad either. I believe I purchased my last tube for just $3.50!
   My most EXPENSIVE beauty item is the NAKED2 Palette. This was a recent Christmas gift from Tony's amazing sister. I could no bring myself to shell out $50 for 'a bunch of eyeshadows'...but now that I own this beauty...I completely understand the HYPE!

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?
   I have a love/hate relationship with LIQUID EYELINER!!!! AHHHHHH....this stuff drives me nuts! However...I love love love the way it completes or can even make a look. Soooo, if you have any suggestions for a good retard  user friendly liquid eyeliner....let me know : )
  The product that has been hardest to get....hmmmm....I guess that would be the NARS lipgloss in Turkish Delight. I was finally able to snag this up a few months ago, but every time I went to Sephoria---they were ALWAYS sold out!

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
    This is an easy one for me-- 1.  Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder with Real Cocoa. Holy crap...this stuff is not only an amazing bronzer (DUH!), but it REALLY does smell like CHOCOLATE!!
   2. Urban Decay's Sparkling Lickable Body Powder in Marshmallow. WOW! Beautiful, what I like to call grown woman sparkle. && of course it really does smell just like marshmallows! (& the smell lasts for a long time which is always a plus for me)

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
    Hmmm...this is kinda hard!  Not much is coming to mind except liquid eyeliner?? Mainly because it's such a pain in the ass for me to use.

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
    Hard to pick just one....but I guess if someone were twisting my arm it would have to be.....BRONZER! I just feel naked without it.

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
    WTH does this have to do with makeup??! Sense of humor!!! If only more people actually knew what this was..... ; )

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
    As of right now...definetly would have to be the Sigma Beauty Essential Brush Kit in MRS. BUNNY. && for 12 amazing brushes- $120 really isn't a terrible price. Check them out!

&& there ya have it! Let me know if you do this tag so I can check it out! 


Another MAKE-UP BLOG!!!!!!!!!!
I know, SHOCKER! : )
I actually debated for a while on whether or not to do this & I finally decided...what the hell...I want in on the FUN too!

So, now for the introduction....

My name is Kelli & first and foremost, THANK YOU THANK YOU for checking out MY BLOG!

I live in Louisville, KY with my fiance and our 3 dogs. I have an obsession with not only make-up, but also Pomeranian's. I love wine, reading, reality tv, DIY craft projects...blah blah blah. It would be impossible to tell you who I am in one blog post, so I will spare you ;)

(My fiance Tony & I)

(& this is my beloved Jenna...I will introduce you to Riley & Ginger at a later time =) )

& as for the UNUSUAL blog name, I am in mortuary school to become an embalmer. Creepy, I know. People constantly look at me like I am batshit crazy when I tell them this, but hey...what can ya do?!
I'm still trying to come up with a sarcastic & witty response when I get THE LOOK the questions. So...I'll let you know what that is when I come up with it.

Now, with all of that said....I am a girly girl who loves all things make-up & make-up related---hence the blog! Sooooo, that's what I'll be doing here. Make-up, skincare, etc. reviews, demos, etc.

So, stay tuned for my next post : )